Beimborn, D. (2025)
Organizational Success Factors of Digital Innovation & Transformation
Welingkar Institute of Management, Bengaluru, India
Beimborn, D. (2025)
Trends in Digital Transformation – An Organizational Perspective
Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, India
Beimborn, D. (2025)
Innovieren in einer digitalen Welt
E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Gymnasium in Bamberg, 28.01.2025
Beimborn, D. (2025)
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
Gymnasium Höchstadt a. d. Aisch, 20.02.2025
Beimborn, D. (2024)
Entrepreneurial Micro-Ecosystems and Their Role for the Success of Digital Start-ups
Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Bangkok, Thailand
Beimborn, D. (2024)
Innovieren in einer digitalen Welt
E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Gymnasium in Bamberg, 12.03.2024
Beimborn, D. (2023)
Innovation on the Vendor Side - Analyzing the Effects of Innovation Initiatives on Outsourcing Providers' Performance
Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway
Beimborn, D. (2021)
Forschung am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Informationssystemmanagement (ISM)
Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Potenzialfeldworkshop
Beimborn, D. (2020)
Digitale Transformation: Forschung am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insbes. Informationssystemmanagement
KMUni Event, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 10.02.2020
Beimborn, D. (2019)
Innovation in Outsourcing – An Empirical Analysis of Outsourcing Vendors’ Innovation Approaches
5th International Conference on the outsourcing of information services - ICOIS'2019, Mannheim, Germany
Beimborn, D. (2019)
Temporal Ambidexterity: How Digital Innovation Labs Connect Exploration and Exploitation for Digital Innovation
Beimborn, D., Holotiuk, F., and Jentsch, C. (2018)
The Determinants and Role of Agility in Digital Organizations
26th ECIS 2018, Portsmouth, UK
Beimborn, D. (2018)
The Human Side of Process Management - Insights from Studies on Process Orientation and Process Acceptance
Lufthansa Process Architect Journey, Seeheim, 05.02.2018
Beimborn, D. (2018)
Will Users of Process Management Systems Be More Innovative? A Study on Process Innovation and Process Orientation in the Financial Industry
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Buffalo - Niagara Falls, USA
Beimborn, D., Kettenbohrer, J., and Eckhardt, A. (2017)
Embedded and Meaningful? How Co-Worker Relations and Work-Role Fit Affect Process Change Acceptance
76th of the Academy of Management, 5-9 August 2016, Anaheim, California, USA
Beimborn, D. and Holotiuk, F. (2017)
Schnuppervorlesung - „Bezahlen per Handy - hat Bargeld noch eine Chance?“
Girl's Day Schnuppervorlesung, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 27.04.2017
Beimborn, D. (2017)
The Impact of Process and IT Modularity for Mutual Understanding among Business and IT
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMIS Conference on Computers and People Research, Bengaluru, India
Beimborn, D. (2016)
Digitale Transformation – Grundlagen und organisatorische Herausforderungen
Frankfurt School
Beimborn, D. (2016)
The Role of Co-Worker Relations on Process Standardization Success
CNU, 22th January 2016
Beimborn, D. (2015)
Business Process Management – Quo Vadis? The Human Side of BPM
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Seeheim, 03.09.2015
Beimborn, D. (2015)
Digitale Transformation - Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Beimborn, D. (2014)
BPO im Bankensektor - Status quo und aktuelle Trends
PWC Talk & Drinks "Providermanagement", Frankfurt am Main
Beimborn, D. (2013)
Effektives Management von Nearshore-Outsourcing-Arrangements: Ergebnisse einer Fallstudienserie in Osteuropa
Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2013, Sindelfingen
Beimborn, D. (2013)
BPM in the Large Prozessmanagement-Konferenz, Seeheim
Beimborn, D. (2013)
Challenges in Offshore Outsourcing Relationship Management - A Peruvian Perspective
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago (IL)
Beimborn, D. (2013)
Enterprise App Stores for Mobile Applications - Development of a Benefits Framework
19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Chicago (IL)
Beimborn, D. (2013)
Structuring Outsourcing Relationships - The Role of Social Network Structures for ITO Performance
4th International Conference on Outsourcing of Information Systems, Mannheim
Beimborn, D. (2013)
Curricula und Trends im IT-Outsourcing
VAWi-Auftaktveranstaltung, Fulda
Beimborn, D. (2013)
How management actions affect social exchanges in outsourcing relationships
46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui (HI)
Beimborn, D. (2012)
Considering the Relative Relevance of Outsourcing Relationship Quality
20th European Conference on Information System (ECIS), Barcelona, Spain
Beimborn, D. (2011)
Applying a Social Network Structure Perspective for Understanding Effective Outsourcing Relationship Governance
Universität Mannheim, Mannheim
Beimborn, D. (2011)
Investigating Social Network Structures in Outsourcing Relationships
Georgia State University, Atlanta (GA)
Beimborn, D. (2010)
Towards a Social Network Structure Perspective on Outsourcing Relationships
Georgia State University, Atlanta (GA)
Beimborn, D. (2010)
The Impact of Business/IT Social Network Structures on IT Service Quality
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru
Beimborn, D. (2010)
Structuring the Structure in Outsourcing Research - A Social Network Perspective on Outsourcing Relationship Management
16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru
Beimborn, D. (2009)
The Role of Corporate Cultural Similarity for Outsourcing Relationship Quality and Outsourcing Success
Ninth International Conference on E-Business, Macau
Beimborn, D. (2009)
Was macht Outsourcing erfolgreich? Beziehungsmanagement als zentraler Erfolgsfaktor
Eröffnungsvortrag der Aschaffenburger Managementtage "Outsourcing", Aschaffenburg
Beimborn, D. (2008)
Beziehungsmanagement als Bestandteil der Governance etablieren - Weiche Faktoren als Erfolgsfaktor im Outsourcing
Keynote auf der BitKom Jahrestagung Anwenderforum Outsourcing, Bad Homburg
Beimborn, D. (2008)
Relationship Management as Success Factor for Outsourcing - Empirical Results from the German Financial Industry
IT-Transparenz-Gipfel, tinidad, Berlin
Beimborn, D. (2008)
Relationship Management as Success Factor for Outsourcing - Empirical Results from the German Financial Industry
Herbsttagung des E-Finance Lab, Darmstadt
Beimborn, D. (2008)
Comparing the Operational Integration of a Core Information System in Insourcing and Outsourcing Firms
14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Toronto, Canada
Beimborn, D. (2008)
What makes successful banks successful? The key role of alignment in financial process performance
DZ Bank Inhouse-Seminar, Frankfurt am Main
Beimborn, D. (2007)
Business Process Outsourcing and Business/IT Alignment in the Financial Services Industry
Volkswagen Financial Services, Warschau
Blumenberg, S. and Beimborn, D. (2007)
Ergebnisse der ersten Stufe einer Delphi-Studie zu Beziehungsqualit
Deutsche Bank, Eschborn
Beimborn, D. (2007)
Business Process Outsourcing and Business/IT Alignment in the Financial Services Industry
Volkswagen Financial Services, Wien
Beimborn, D. (2007)
E-Finance Lab: Private-Public Partnership
Deutsche Bank AG, Eschborn
Beimborn, D. and Weitzel, T. (2006)
Strategies to Boost Standard Diffusion in Communication Networks - Insights from Network Effect Theory
Pre-ICIS Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Adoption and Diffusion of Information Technology (DIGIT), ; Milwaukee, USA
Beimborn, D. and Franke, J. (2006)
Outsourcing Relationship Management - State of the Art in Scientific Literature
In-House Seminar, Deutsche Bank, Eschborn
Beimborn, D., Franke, J., Wagner, H., and Weitzel, T. (2006)
The Impact of Outsourcing on IT Business Alignment and IT Flexibility: A Survey in the German Banking Industry
12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico
Beimborn, D., Franke, J., Wagner, H., and Weitzel, T. (2006)
The Impact of Outsourcing on IT Business Alignment and IT Flexibility: A Survey in the German Banking Industry
12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico
Franke, J., Beimborn, D., Wagner, H., and Weitzel, T. (2006)
Strategy Matters - The Role of Strategy Type for IT Business Value
12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Acapulco, Mexico
Beimborn, D. (2006)
Metaheuristiken zur L
Seminar "E-Finance: Outsourcing und IT-Management", Universit
Beimborn, D. (2006)
Value of IT - Empirical Results and a Measurement Approach
Seminar "Die Rolle des CIO im modernen Informationsmanagement", Riezlern, Österreich
Wagner, H., Beimborn, D., Franke, J., and Weitzel, T. (2006)
IT Business Alignment and IT Usage in Operational Processes: A Retail Banking Case
39th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, HI, USA
Beimborn, D. (2006)
Game Theoretical Analysis of Cooperative Sourcing Scenarios
39th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Grand Hyatt Kauai, Poipu, HI, USA
Beimborn, D. (2006)
A Model for Simulation Analyses of Cooperative Business Sourcing in the Banking Industry
39th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences;, Grand Hyatt Kauai, Poipu, HI, USA
Beimborn, D. (2005)
Value Chain Crossing Between SMEs and the Banking Industry
5th International Conference on Electronic Business, Sheraton Kowloon, Hong Kong
Beimborn, D. (2005)
Simulative Analysis of Causes and Effects of Cooperative Business Process Outsourcing in the Banking Industry
Doctoral Consortium at the 16th IRMA International Conference , Best Doctoral Submission Award, San Diego
Beimborn, D. (2005)
Cooperative Sourcing in the Financial Services Industry
IWI Jour Fixe, JWG Universit, Frankfurt
Beimborn, D. (2005)
Industrialisierung in der Bankenwelt
Seminar "Prozessoptimierung, Service-oriented Architectures und Outsourcing", Riezlern, Austria
Beimborn, D. (2004)
Capability Maps in the Financial Services Industry
Internal Workshop of Frankfurt University and Microsoft Corp., Frankfurt
Weitzel, T., Beimborn, D., and Franke, J. (2004)
Outsourcing the Financial Chain: an Empirical Analysis of Sourcing and Partnering Potentials
Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2004), New York, New York
Beimborn, D. (2004)
An Optimization Framework for Efficient Information Supply in the Academic Sector
Eighth Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2004, Shanghai
Beimborn, D. (2004)
Cooperative Financial Process Sourcing - Conceptualization and Evaluation
Workshop of DFG Ph.D. Program 492 "E-Commerce", Riezlern, Austria
Beimborn, D. and Hoppen, N. (2003)
The Optimal Scope and Length of Software Patents - A Simulative Approach
International Conference on E-Business (ICEB), Singapore
Beimborn, D. (2003)
Web Services
Seminar, Bacharach
Beimborn, D. and Hoppen, N. (2003)
The Impact of Software Patents on the Structure of the Software Market
11th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Naples, Italy
Beimborn, D. (2003)
Assessment and Coordination of Technology Adoption - Evaluation of the Acceptance of Web Services Technologies
Workshop der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs in Deutschland, Dagstuhl
Weitzel, T. and Beimborn, D. (2003)
An individual view on cooperation networks: economic equilibrium analysis in networks
Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS36), Hilton Waikoloa Village, Kona, Big Island (HI)
Beimborn, D. (2002)
Standardisierung in Netzwerken
Ph.D. seminar, Erfurt
Beck, R., Beimborn, D., and Weitzel, T. (2002)
IT-Standards und Netzeffekte - Koordination von Infrastrukturentscheidungen
Forschungskolloquium, Weimar